Anti-Inflammatory Juice Recipe with Pineapple

We now know that most diseases today are due to inflammation. (1) Inflammation damages your cells and arterials walls and can cause all kinds of problems, including chronic inflammatory conditions like cardiovascular diseases and arthritis. (2)

By reducing inflammation, your body is better able to heal from disease. One of the top ways to decrease inflammation is to follow The Healing Foods Diet and consume plenty of anti-inflammatory foods.

If you’re looking for anti-inflammatory diet recipes or anti-inflammatory juices for arthritis, this delicious drink I’m about to share with you has you covered on both fronts. This anti-inflammatory juice recipe is the perfect blend to help support your body’s natural defenses and reduce inflammation — plus, it’s absolutely delicious!

Key Ingredients

Some of the best natural anti-inflammatory drinks come in the form of fresh juices. Juicing for inflammation and weight loss are very popular these days, but it’s very important that you choose the right combination of foods. Anti-inflammatory fruit juice can be healthy, but a fresh juice that includes vegetables such as cucumbers and celery is even better in my book because it’s typically much lower in sugar!

Pineapple is definitely one of my favorite anti-inflammatory which is why I made sure to include it in this recipe. You’ve probably heard about the benefits of pineapple and pineapple juice for inflammation thanks to its high bromelain content. (3Ginger is another ingredient shown by scientific research to possess potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can even help to decrease muscle pain after an intense workout. (4)

Anti-inflammatory juice recipe - Dr. Axe

Why include green apple in this juice recipe? Aside from its delicious flavor, like pineapple, it’s also a rich source of quercetin, a natural antihistamine and an anti-inflammatory. Low-sugar lemon is also added. In studies using animal models, extracts of lemon peel have been shown to decrease inflammation related to arthritis. (5) So when you’re making this juice, I highly recommend using the whole lemon, peel and all!

If you’re looking to make a smoothie anti-inflammatory, you can include some of the fruits and veggies I use here.

Nutrition Facts

If you’re juicing for health, anti-inflammatory juice recipes like this are not to be missed! One serving of this tasty juice includes about:

Anti-inflammatory juice ingredients - Dr. Axe
  • 114 calories
  • 2 grams protein
  • 0 grams fat
  • 28 grams carbohydrates
  • 5.5 grams fiber
  • 16 grams sugar
  • 112 milligrams sodium
  • 81 micrograms vitamin K (68 percent DV)
  • 1,512 IUs vitamin A (30 percent DV)
  • 27 milligrams vitamin C (30 percent DV)
  • 532 milligrams potassium (11 percent DV)
  • 32 micrograms folate (8 percent DV)
  • 1.3 milligrams iron (7.2 percent DV)
  • 66 milligrams calcium (5.1 percent DV)
  • 12.5 milligrams magnesium (3 percent DV)
  • 0.2 milligrams zinc (1.8 percent DV)

How to Make This Anti-Inflammatory Juice

As long as you have a juicer on hand, this recipe, from start to finish, only takes a few minutes.

Anti-inflammatory juice recipe - Dr. Axe

Once you have all of the ingredients ready, you simply combine them all in the juicer. Then give your final product a quick stir and it’s ready to be enjoyed! Remember that fresh anti-inflammatory drinks like this one are best drank immediately.

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Source: Draxe